Ultimate Storage Guide: Self-Storage Tips and Tricks

Facilities like Move It Self Storage offer secure offsite storage for your home or business. You’ll find countless professional moving and storage in Florida, California, Idaho, Wisconsin, and across the United States.

choosing a storage unitMaybe your offices need to store boxes of equipment or unused furniture, or you want to move your attic contents into storage, there’s a big advantage in using an offsite storage unit. Putting your office or household items into storage requires practicality in packing your moving and storage containers.

Consider these tips and tricks on how to best pack your belongings to keep them preserved while buried away in a storage facility.

Choosing a Storage Unit

The ideal moving and storage approach is not having to do it at all; however, we’re not all minimalists. So, if you want to keep your things safe, there are a few things to note when renting an offsite storage facility. Find the appropriate unit size, with good security and look out for any water damage or leaks in the room.

Accessibility is also important to note if you’re moving large boxes or equipment. Additionally, you can look for extra services offered by storage companies such as getting a free moving truck with a storage rental.

Packaging and Packing

home storageBy packing properly, you can use every inch of space in the boxes and containers and inside the storeroom. There are a few things to keep in mind like having an inventory, using durable storage materials and not placing heavy boxes on top of breakables.

Maximize Use of Space

Use every bit of space that you pay for, whether its utilizing the room space efficiently or the space in your containers. Make sure you’re using the right size boxes that are packed with even weight distribution and nothing can slide around inside.

When packing the storage unit, think about what you’ll need in the short term as these items should be packed in front. If you don’t need things for a long time, they can be neatly stacked away at the back.

Design and Plan

You can get the most of your storage unit by adding shelving, and wall and celling mounts to extend the usage space. Discuss the possibility of adding extra features with your storage unit company. You can also use ropes to suspend items like bicycles or surfboards so you can get more from the floor surface.

Another handy way to plan out your space is to use one of the many online planning tools to simulate the most practical and effective way to pack.

Pack to Preserve

ultimate Storage guideWhile your boxes and containers may be securely taped for long-term protection, it may not be enough to deter unwanted pests from moving in. Remember that cardboard is defenseless against insects and mice while airtight containers offer better safeguarding. Choosing the right packaging is essential to protecting your belongings.

Prepare the storage room

Before you move all your things into your storeroom, clean it out thoroughly and get any cracks or crevices filled up. You can either spray it down with a pesticide, leave poisonous traps, or leave cedar blocks, mothballs or peppermint oil coated cotton balls lying around to deter pests. Most importantly, never leave food in your storage unit.